Health Offering
Sophisticated projections models, advanced IBNR calculations, and standardised actuarial reporting equip medical schemes and health insurers to better manage their product lines, and design improved products. We dig deeper into the data to understand the drivers of claims experience, and to suggest mitigations and improvements.
Read the latest Insight Health Thought Pieces
Our client, an Australian life insurer, needed help to complete their month-end processes under tight deadlines.
Because of Insight’s proprietary modelling paradigm and assumption system, the new model produces results more quickly and reliably.
This case study demonstrates how ILS implemented the estimate of the value of shareholders’ interests in long-term insurance business.
These are the documents you should read to help assess and report on climate change.
This case study demonstrates how ILS implemented the estimate of the value of shareholders’ interests in long-term insurance business.
This case study demonstrates how ILS took on the first- and second-line functions of a life insurer client.
There’s so much excitement about AI (Artificial Intelligence) in healthcare across clinical specialities and locations.
A review of the assessments and reports are generated by Google - on the safety and capability of their new products and tools.