Employer Healthcare Solutions

Employee health and wellness is important for the success of any employer. Medical scheme cover is only one aspect of an employer’s health and wellness benefit suite.

Insight Health Solutions

Photo by David Becker | Unsplashed

Employee health and wellness is important for the success of any employer. Medical scheme cover is only one aspect of an employer’s health and wellness benefit suite. Other benefits typically include occupational healthcare services, counselling services, life and disability cover and employee assistance programmes. Information regarding employees relating to payroll such as absenteeism, sick leave, compulsory health check-ups is also collected. These different streams of information are typically stored separately within the employer, on different platforms and rarely, if ever, are integrated with each other. The employer therefore often only ever has a partial picture of an employee when considering some aspect of the information available.

Without an integrated view it is difficult to collate all health-related expenditure and impacts. As a result, it is difficult to identify areas of duplicated spend and inefficiency. Statutory and HR reporting is also limited and inefficient. Analysis of the integrated data would allow a greater understanding of the causal relationships between employee, team and management productivity, absenteeism, presenteeism and healthcare related matters.

We provide integrated health reporting services by collating the disparate health and wellness related information the employer stores and presents this data as meaningful management information. We also perform valuations for post-retirement obligations for financial reporting purposes according to International Accounting Standard 19 (IAS-19).



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