Systems & Business Intelligence

Healthcare is a particularly complex industry, with the existence of multiple role players.

Insight Health Solutions

Photo by Aron Visuals | Unsplashed

Healthcare is a particularly complex industry, with the existence of multiple role players. These role players include providers and payers of care which range from large medical schemes, health insurers to individual households who pay out of pocket. Each player in the ecosystem generates data which quite often is disparate from the other role players. This is further complicated by the voluminous nature of healthcare data. The sheer volume and complexity of healthcare data makes it difficult for off-the-shelf BI solutions to provide meaningful insights.

The problem framed above is the type of analytical challenge which led to the development of our technical competence. The overlap between actuarial, clinical and IT skills is a critical niche for the delivery of meaningful data warehousing and business intelligence in the complex healthcare environment. Our market leading artificial intelligence algorithms, developed with years of experience in healthcare and an intimate understanding of healthcare data, coupled with our ongoing research and development distinguish us from typical over the counter BI solutions. Our data warehousing and tools take complex voluminous data and augments it with more clinically intuitive attributes. These attributes form the basis of analyses upon which appropriate decisions can be based.

The requirement for businesses to manage, protect and perform meaningful analysis on their data has increased significantly over the past few years. We have developed a comprehensive system, data warehousing and business intelligence capability. We offer our clients end to end solutions from system development, data management, data collation, data warehousing all the way to BI reporting.



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